I, along with a few close friends, approached a local school here in Hermosillo for children with special needs who come from impoverished families. We asked if they would allow us to organize a ‘Posada’ for their students, the director was thrilled at the idea, and so the planning begun….
WHERECentro de Atencion Multiple Estatal #16 (C.A.M.E.)(It’s a government funded school.)
Wednesday December 17, 2008
It was a beautiful day. I am overwhelmed with joy and emotion as I replay the events in my mind and remember the happiness I saw in so many innocent faces.
I sought out a ‘clown’ who was kind enough to offer his time – at no cost – and put on a show for the children. No matter what the disability was, everyone enjoyed the music, the dancing and the magic! The kids were thrilled and participated with so much enthusiasm.
It was time to hit the piñata and gather candy, with 3 piñatas donated, there was plenty to go around!
It was time for McDONALD's!
We were able to collect gifts for every single child in the room. Wrapping such a quantity was not fun – but seeing the joy when their names were called out made up for it!
We were presented with a few gifts the students made themselves as they thanked us for our kindness and wished us lots of happiness as we did them!
Then it was time to dance!
I am fortunate enough to have some good contacts here in the city who graciously agreed to donate 100 happy meals! What was so beautiful about this moment was upon arrival of the food, the kids faces lit up like never before. According to the director, most of these children have never had McDonald’s in their lives, and to be able to share this with them meant the world. It also made me see how much we take things (that are so small and meaningless in our lives), for granted. My kids ask for McDonald’s, and off we go. They don’t finish their fries – oh well, we throw them out. These kids, on the other hand, took pleasure in every single bite, every french fry was savored and every mouthful was taken with so much appreciation. Nothing was left to be wasted!
These kids are disabled. Not only do they have the misfortune of going through life always feeling different than others, but they also come from very poor families. In Canada, we are lucky to have a system that takes good care of everyone. Though there are those who live in poverty, it’s nothing compared to other parts of the world. Here in Mexico, the difference between the classes is enormous, and sadly, that means the poor are truly underprivileged and living in conditions that are beyond belief.
My only wish for 2009 is that with the economic disaster that has taken the world by storm – we don’t forget the people who’ve been living in these conditions… all their lives.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Everyone!
Wishing You All a Healthy and Happy New Year!