Friday, August 24, 2007

Tales of Cristian

Ok. Can my son be any cuter? I swear. This week has been totally weird for me. It's like, there's been a new revelation of full blown cuteness at a level that I cannot describe. The kid is too delicious for words, really.

So. I was changing this morning getting ready for my day, when my little man stormed into our room. Although he's seen me in the buff many times before, this time was slightly different. He stood in front of me, bent down on his knees and began examining...

Here's what he had to say:

"Mami no has joojooleeg?" (joojooleeg is a cute word we use for his pee pee, get the point?)

That's when I knew I had to dress myself fast.

I smiled and said:

"That's right kiddo, mami doesn't have a joojooleeg....mami has a...umm...eghem....a...Va jay jay?!" (Thanks Oprah!)

Gosh. Since when did I have to start thinking about discussing the female anatomy with my barely two year old son?

What's next, really??

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