Britney Spears got married again….…
Paris Hilton was featured in another scandalous video.
Friends and Sex and the City tearfully ended their long runs.
Martha Stewart reported to prison.
Michael Moore fought a battle – and lost.
George Bush fought a battle – and won.
War is still a continuing shameless battle.
New Jersey governor announced an extramarital affair with a man.
The Boston Red Sox graciously won the World Series.
A Tsunami killed innocent lives in Asia.
….and many more events took place in 2004.
2005! What does this mean? Another year has gone by.
Like always, we have stepped into new promises with plenty to look forward to, or not. Engagements, weddings, separations, new babies etc… The cycle of life will continue as we enter a new chapter. Looking back, I am not quite sure how I would describe 2004. For many people, last year wasn’t exactly a year to remember, rather, it was filled with heartache and disappointed. So, at our annual G7 Kris Kringle gift exchange, we filled our wine glasses to the rim and sent out a toast vowing 2005 would be much better, or at least we hope. We discussed and pondered about numerous events that took place solely in our cluster of acquaintances and realized that our lives have definitely been eventful. Many things have occurred that are yet to be understood. And as usual, my infamous response has always been “Everything happens for a reason!!”
Whoever came up with this phrase ought to be shot, or not? Am I being a hypocrite? I religiously use these words in every aspect of my life. I firmly believe we all have a game plan ready for us when we are born. Am I a fool in deeming this theory to be true? V completely disagrees with this notion. His idea of what happens around us is solely based on how we handle life and which direction we guide our own fate. IF this were the case, wouldn’t we all have great things happen to us without heartache? Wouldn’t there be numerous resources or "Leading Your Own Fate for Dummies" guides at our local bookstores?
Things do happen for a reason, and the end result ultimately leads to our destiny. Things happen in all our lives that sometimes don’t have an explanation at the time, and sometimes don’t make sense. Why would a young person at a tender age pass away due to unforeseen circumstances? Why would a loving couple be torn apart because one person isn’t willing to put forth effort to work on their relationship? Why would couples desperate for children be challenged to work hard at achieving their goal? Why would couples in love be forced to live apart? Why would there be crime? Why would natural disasters claim thousands of lives? Why would there be poverty?All these things seem so unfair! If we were able to control our own fate, why in the world would we allow ourselves to face such hardships?
Sometimes, things happen at a time that may seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection we must realize that without overcoming those obstacles we will never realize our potential, strength, will power or heart. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments, and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of our soul. Without these small tests, life would be like a smooth paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. BORING!
Evidently my theory has to be true! Everything does happen for a reason. We have to take each challenge that comes our way and use it to make ourselves stronger and wiser. Some of us are dealt the "challenge" card earlier in life while others wait for years before we have to face a situation. What does not kill us makes us stronger!
My advice for 2005…
Take each day as it comes.
Think positive and good things will happen.
Follow your instincts.
Don’t settle for misery.
Don’t settle for less.
Be grateful for your friends.
Value your family and cherish each second together, because being apart isn’t fun.
Be happy for others.
Treat everyday as though it’s your last.
Last but not least, believe that...
"We are helpless in the face of Destiny!”